
11. + 12.3.2023DigiKomi x Amazon

The virtual online-convention with focus on interactivity

Dance off together + lottery

Let's dance together at home!

We can't wait for the Dance Off Contest 2020! Let's use the waiting time and dance this year's group dance "I meets You" together!

It is easy to participate!

Record yourself dancing "I meets You" and send the video to us! All entries will then be shown in edited video at DigiKomi

The dance is very easy because of repetition of the same steps. Once you learned the first minute of the choreography, you can almost dance the whole choreo! :D

The official tweet of the dance choreography:


The mirrored version for learning purpose:


We will randomly choose a few participants during DigiKomi and those will receive a Thank-You prize. Don't miss out on this chance!

What do I have to consider when recording?

Please note the following when recording your video:

  • Please do not meet up with others to record the video together! According to the hashtag #StayHome you can record videos alone at home.
  • Please record a full body shot (not only upper body shot etc.)
  • Do not film upright, but landscape format (16: 9 format)
  • The video must be bright and well exposed (please do not film in a very dark room)

How can I participate?

If you would like to participate, please send a short email to: ishida@dokomi.de

Email subject: "DigiDoKomi Dance Together"

(the content could be: "I am ____ and I would like to participate in the dance together. I will probably send the video by ______.")

**Once you recorded the dance please send the video to: (until May 12, 2020) **

ishida@dokomi.de AND sharon@dokomi.de

(Please write us your name / nickname so that we can edit your name into the video! :3)